This is the sixth weekly progress report of my Outreachy internship with Mixxx DJ.
This week:
I got feedback for Pull request #337.
I am required to arrange the descriptions in the order that the headphone and master mix controls appear in the screenshots (left>right).
I asked for clarification …
Before the Outreachy internship program, I had never contributed to open-source software.
I didn’t know what open source software was (or how different it was from other software) until a friend explained it to me. Since made my first contribution to Mixxx, I have learned a lot about different …
This is the fifth weekly progress report of my Outreachy internship with Mixxx DJ.
This week:
I finished working on moving “deck cloning” to the cookbook chapter BUT this pull request raised the question about how it differs from the “DJing with Mixxx” chapter. It seems that there is sufficient …
Our website is now based on the Pelican instead of the Cactus static site generator.
It supports blog posts natively and also supports pagination, archives, author pages and taxonomies likes categories and tags.
If you want to browse older news articles, using Pelican will make our website more easy to …
If you wanted to compile a recent version of Mixxx 2.3 beta or 2.4 yourself, you may have already noticed that we removed our old and rusty SCons setup in favor of CMake.
A few months ago we said that we were planning to ship Mixxx 2.3 …
This is the second of many weekly progress reports that I will be publishing for the duration of my Outreachy internship with Mixxx DJ.
This week:
I made a pull request #322 in response to issue #157.
I added missing documentation about importing rekordbox libraries from rekordbox prepared devices into …
Everybody struggles. This blog post is about a struggle that i went through in the past two weeks. I ran into this blocker while using git (as i normally do) and making some improvements on the Mixxx manual. I write about how i got stuck and the measures that i took to get unstuck.