Since we published Mixxx 2.3 beta in June 2020, you may have been wondering what has taken so long to get the 2.3.0 release out. Well, we have been very busy the past few months building a more sustainable technical infrastructure for the Mixxx project. We have …
As the outreachy internship program draws closer to an end, the question that comes to mind is "What next?". In this blog post, I write about what I hope to achieve in terms of my career path and the various skills that I have gained through this internship that could help me achieve some of my goals.
This is the twelfth weekly progress report of my Outreachy internship with Mixxx DJ.
This week:
I added the step by step tutorial on deck cloning for playing with a single turntable. See pull request #330 I plan to do the same for beat juggling, but I want to get …
This is the eleventh weekly progress report of my Outreachy internship with Mixxx DJ.
This week:
I successfully added rekordbox (and its icon) to the list of supported libraries in this pull request that I opened a long while ago – I was documenting the rekordbox library import.
As all of you probably know, Mixxx is the best DJ software in the market.
However, we've recently been made aware that a minor competitor has emerged and tries to steal that title from us - Serato DJ Pro.
The hardware support is nice, but since Serato is neither open-source nor …
In the days leading up to the Ugandan election, access to major social media platforms and circumvention tools was blocked. This internet shutdown and the social media ban that followed affected many online jobs and businesses, my internship with Mixxx under the Outreachy program was no exception.
This is the eighth weekly progress report of my Outreachy internship with Mixxx DJ.
This week:
Has been a little bit slow, to be honest. Internet speeds are much slower now because of all the Virtual Private connections that have now become the new normal.
This is the seventh weekly progress report of my Outreachy internship with Mixxx DJ.
This week:
I created a YouTube channel for Mixxx tutorials and posted the first video. Its an installation tutorial for Windows OS. Here is the link to the YouTube video. This was early in the week …